Best way to wire Speakers from mc501 amps

I'm new to this hobby, I just bought a ca2300 pre and 2 mc501 amps. I cannot up grade my speakers for about a year and currently have linn 5140 speakers.

I do not understand how to wire them, which post do I connect them to on the amps and should I bi wire and if so how should I do it and what speaker wire should I get?. Thanks in advance for any help

Ag insider logo xs@2xrichardallred
I would recommend you wait until you have new speakers before buying fancy cables. What you have now will work just fine with 5140s. If they are like Monster wire, just cut the 12' piece to 8'. Definitely run your speakers in passive mode.

You have made an incredible choice in amps. Save up plenty of money for speakers!

For amp stands, look into the component platforms by Steve Blinn designs. They're great and he will do custom sizes for you.