best way to break in Sound Labs U1?

new pair just arriving. At present using Tact equipment or Pass I may try tubes later after they are broken in.
How long does the procedure take?
Thank you N.A.H.
Oh, I should have added:

Music with big dynamics and heavy bass after the first month of break in will speed up the time before they sound best, each time you start from cold (system off for several days).

Lots of parts in the crossover and for some reason big dynamics and powerful bass quickly overcomes the "cold compression sound" of first starting them up.
Welcome to the Sound Lab family! Chiming in here as a Sound Lab owner and dealer, I have U-1s and echo what others have said. Playing music 24/7 (low level at night is OK) can speed the process, as can playing of dynamic, bass-rich music as Albert suggests. It will take time for full break-in, at least 300 to 400 hours with a bit more improvement after that, but you will notice increased efficiency and dynamics in the first couple hundred hours or so. If you have questions please feel free to contact me.

Thank you very much indeed for your replies.Much appreciated.I know my Quad 989s took a good 5 months to sound their best.
Once again thank you
Sincerely NAH