the pair you like the best that's in your price range... it really all comes down to what YOU like. One thing to take into consideration if you're conserving cash, though, is how difficult to drive the speakers are. My example is that I wanted to get decent speakers ($2000-3000) but I didn't want to simultaneously upgrade my admittedly crappy receiver into a good pre/amp combo. So I listened to a bunch of demos of speakers that were slightly out of my price range... and I listened to them with both great and horrible amplification. I narrowed it down to B&W 804s, B&W 805s, and Linn 5140s. At the end of the day, I went with the Linns because I thought they fit my circumstances best -- (to me!) they sounded better than the 805s on good & bad equipment, and they sounded MUCH better than the 804s on bad equipment. The 804s were better with a great amp/pre combo. But, they were more expensive, and I didn't want to shell out for the amp/pre at that time. I'm just getting ready to start looking for the amp/pre now, which will be great -- another huge upgrade...
Good luck, & buy what you like, not what we like...
Good luck, & buy what you like, not what we like...