Best value power condtioners....Used is ok

Looking for the biggest bang for the buck......power conditioners.....Are Monsters good.....Please help thanks
Thanks, Brf. My experience is a little different. I started out with one LC-2 with a 20 amp IEC connector. The LC-2 was a big improvement over the Cardas Reference power cord that came with my amp. Then I inserted an LC-1 into the chain by connecting it to my cd player and also tried it with my pre. Initially I noticed slightly better improvement when the LC-1 was plugged into the cd player.

I then added a third dedicated line and had played with my electrical a bit. I then tried the LC-1 plugged into my pre instead of the cd. Big, big improvement.

Took possession of a second LC-1 and plugged my cd player into that. Another large improvement and a better gel'ing of sorts.

So for my ears the amp had by far the biggest improvement, then the pre, then the cd player.

A friend got a significantly reduced noise floor and increased clarity and dynamics with a Monster power conditioner that he bought new for about $120. He has an Audio Research amplifier and preamplifier and Vandersteen 2Ce speakers (sounds great). Based on his recommendation, I've ordered a Monster power conditioner for my system.
Have you guys compared the above mentioned conditioners
to the Richard Grey 4 outlet version. I have an API Ultra
and find that the API is perhaps a little more affective
on the front end, while the Richard Grey seems to make a
more significant change for the amplifier. However, I feel
that in my system there may be more bang for the buck
with the Grey. I think the Amplifier section in the API
makes a less noticable improvement.

I do think that there are variations in performance of
these pieces depending on where you live and the equipment
you own.