Best used speaker cable to match my system on Agon

I have krell gear feeding a pair of logan mosaics.Interconnects are AQ Columbia.Speaker wire is monster MCX1.I've been really liking what i've read about the nordost blue heaven,but should I stick with AQ.Also how much should I spend to hear a significant upgrade in focus and resolution. Thanks
I had krell integrated w/ logan aerius i speakers a couple years back. used kimber 8tcs, good; aq indigos better, nordost blue heaven rev2 better still but too harsh on bad recordings, then cardas neutral ref, which was what I settled with cause they still had detail but enabled me to listen to my entire library...even the stuff recorded over a tin can telephone withough fatigue.

If you are a classical/jazz/audiophile only guy I'd give the nordost a try...they have a airy sound not matched by any other cable I've tried. if you listen to everything I'd try moving up to an AQ cable or try the cardas golden presence (what I'm using now and very happy with).
I used to use Cardas Golden Ref speaker cables with Ayre MXRs and Ayre KXR and Aerial 20ts and I was very happy with them. I mention my components only so you know I could be using anything I want. I was very skeptical when a friend had me try a pair of Anti cables. But you know what? I like them better in almost every way. Anyway at the price you might consider trying a pair and comparing them to your current cables. You might find you can keep a lot extra money for upgrades in other places.
I really appreciate everyone's comments. Here in the Tampa Bay area there aren't many dealers to demo cables. Besides a Transparent dealer the only other high end cables I have access to are AQ. So I really appriciate everyones detailed description of their experience with these cables.