Gerrym5, correct! The Linn sounds really good, but no contest against the big dogs in this discussion. To tell you my personal experience, I have owned two Lynn's, The Rock, a Versa Dynamics, Gyrodeck (JA Michell), a Winn labs, two VPI's, two Basis Debut Gold (Mk4 and Mk5), a Well Tempered, and a Walker Proscenium. One of my friends owns the Rockport Cirrus, having sold his Goldmund Reference to buy it. Why am I naming all these? I have actually owned and compared all these except the last two mentioned. The Walker is my first choice and my friend who owns the Cirrus said to me "if I had it to do over, I would have bought the Walker." When I ask why, he replied, "the Walker is at least on par with the Rockport's performance, and I would have had enough money left over for a luxury car". I agree.
I've tried some pretty big contenders listed above but I have an old Micro-Seiki 8000 (ridiculus 50K new) bought it for 2000.00 several years ago and it beats damn near everything, most of the big boys listed above are copies of the Micro's, they were so far ahead of thier time.
Europe calling! Lived with the VPI TNT for many years (jr. to Mk.V). Know many of the American beauties mentioned, as close friends are happyly married to them. Recently lost my heart to the french "Platine Verdier" which is a killer-babe for almost sane bride money. And now I learn that my darlings father (Monsieur Verdier) is offering the "super-mother" of the beloved Platine for money ("ciao" to sanity here if I have the correct exchange rate for french francs!). See it on his website: "". Should be a contender for your big mama shootout. I keep spinning my college girl! Have fun.
OK! sounda'ttorney.. I also own the LA-PLATINE, and its sooo special. I wouldn't say its "the best" but i have owned and listened to many, and the VERDIER is right-on. This is the last table i'll ever buy. is it imported in the USofA ? What i absolutely cannot get is that people walk away with the silly wooden shoobox LINN LP 12 thing... I have heard this bouncy table soo many times, in so many setups,and it sounds like a cheapo DUAL player . What a joke to have to buy so many upgrades every time... If a table is designed properly it will not need upgrades every year to get it going finally.. I must admit that the marketing dept at LINN does their job. they sell a lot of boxes... Enjoy the music .
I have a Goldmund Studio with original triplanar and Koetsu Onix, this is a very special combo but no in this league. My next TT could be La Pletine Verdier or a Thorens Prestige, both very very special. They are beside the best...