Best Tubes for Audible Illusions 3 Pre-Amp

Greetings All,
I have been thinking of upgrading my tubes in my AI-3 pre-amp. There are Soooo.. many out there, Bugle Boy, Siemens, Telefunken, Telsa etc, etc Which ones are the best, next runner up and so on. Associated equiptment Sonic Frontiers 80, Proac Responce 2. Musical tastes,just about everything, Jazz, Blues, Classic Rock and of course Classical. Source components, Vinyl, 2 and 4 track open reel, and some digital. Gentlemen Start your engines, and again thanks for all the help.
Forget about anything other than Tele smooth plates. They cost a lot, but they sound so much better. Recently put them in my cjPV-9A. Phono has never been better.

I would direct you to the AI website where the designer/manufacturer addresses this question. I would also suggest "Joe's Tube lore" over on Audioasylum. I've used both an M3 and a L1 for over 5 years and have tried many tubes. Due to reliability and value concerns I now use only NOS Tungsram 6922 or NOS Russian 6H23n-EB. Both work well and last a long time. The Tungsram has a warmer sound, tends to cost more (and keeps going UP in price), and doesn't last quite a long. The 6H23n-EB is more neutral (or brighter depending on your perspective), is available from several sources at reasonable prices, and lasts the longest of any tube I've tried. I have not had good luck with many of the very expensive NOS and would not recommend spending the big bucks on them for use in the AI. As always, this is just my opinion based upon my tastes and my experience.
I will be able to provide a detailed review by the end of July. I have bought multiples of the best reviewed tubes on the Web. (Three review sources including Joe's).

This includes pinched Amperex 6922's, grey-plate Seimans CCa's, Telefunken E188CC's, white SQ's, white and orange PQ's, white E188CC Miniwatt's, orange globe 6DJ8's, and many, many more. (Yes, my wife is pissed).

I have bought two pair each and a tester to ensure proper matching an ability to give each type a second chance. (Yes, really pissed).

I plan to give each tube a couple days of play and also do some immediate tube changes for comparision.

It is important to also note that I have Never had problems with my Audible 3A burning out tubes. The white Amperex 6922 JAN's that were in the driver positions for 3+ (maybe 4) years are Now driving my phono the past 6 months. Boy do they sound great as phono drivers!