Best tube amp for Wilson Watt/Puppy

Hello Friends,

Would anyone help me what is the best tube amp for Wilson Watt/Puppy.(exculde Lamm and under $10.000.00 new)

How about Cary 805ae and Melody pm845?

Thank you every one here, you guys are very knowledgeable. Learn a lot from you guys.Thank you!
This morning I got the deal done with Robert at Audio eden, I buy his DeHavilland GM70 he has listed last night.I'll let you guys know when I receive it and how it match my W/P 7.
Please let us know your impressions. I've had my eye on the deHavilland gear, especially the 30 watt amps. Thanks.
be warned-low power amps work great with the puppies will end up replacing the resistors in the protection circuitĀ  more than you would like-