Best streamer, don't want Roon, don't want a screen, A DAC is OK but not necessary

budget = $4000

To be clear, a built-in DAC is fine, but not a necessity


Maybe I should be more specific. I have an Auralic Altair G2.1 (DAC and streamer) and I'd like to go separates (DAC and separate streamer.) I'm planning getting a Holo May KTE DAC soon and am looking for a really good streamer but don't want to waste money on a screen. If Lumin had better software that's where I'd head. I know streamers matter- I have had a BS node, Lumin U1 mini, Lumin U1, Auralic Aries Mini, Auralic Aries G2.1.

Sorry to not be clearer earlier

I never understood the pricing structure of pure digital sources  beyond say a couple of grand USD.  I am an electrical engineer by training and can confirm that electronically, bits are bits.  

The power supply, DAC and analog stage do matter as it impacts sound quality.  But for source, I am thrilled with WiiM's

WiiM Pro Plus with SMSL 400 Dac…great combo…Teac nt-505 too…even a Bluesound Node with Topping d90 is great…best is my M1 MacBook Pro into external dac…