Best SS AMP for B&W nautilus 802

I was using a Mcintosh MC-352 to drive the 802's until I sold it some time ago. So I am out in the market looking for another AMP.

Which AMP is the BEST match for these speakers, kindly also describe the sound characterstic if possible.

BTW: I heard them with Classe CAM-350 and ML-335 and I prefered the CAM-350, very natural, life-like and open presentation.

If you don't mind me intuding, how do you feel the 352 stacked up to the Classe and ML335?
Mac was nice, but not the ultimate word in transparency, and dynamics, a bit laid back and somewhat dark.

Bass was best with ML followed by Mac and finally Classe.

I felt highs were tipped off with Mac.

Overall to my ears, Classe was a winner. Each of these AMP are great and have there own merits.
I used to have classe 350 mate with my 802 until I listened to Cary v12 mono. I end up selling my classe and bought the Cary. Big improvement! more highs, mids and base. well satisfied.