Best Speakers for Symphonic Line electronics

I have all Symphonic Line electronics (Kraft 250 amp, Reference tube preamp and Vibrato CD player.)I'm curious if anyone can recommend speakers that would be a great match. The amp is solid state 250 watts class A and speaker wire and interconnects are Bogdan audio - silver. I'm currently using Gershman Avant garde RX 20 speakers which are very good, but I'm looking for better. Room is 25' X 15'.

Bombay I hadn't noticed you got a CAT for your RG4's! That's a magical combo -- K.S. MUST have used SL to voice his pre... Good show and, please, forget "upgrades"!!

In re, speakers, my most exalting experience with dynamic speakers, was with a pair of Audio Artistry Beethoven Grands driven by 250. For anyone with the skills to diy them (very difficult) or the money to buy them ($+20k?)...
Just wanted to thank everyone. I'll have to check into all of these speakers.
Gregm, Do you think the Audio Artistry Beethoven grands sounded better than the Belcantos with the Kraft 250?

Curious to know if you've done the RG3 vs Erleuchtung comparison side by side.

I am interested to discuss further on your observation.