Best Speakers for Carey sixpacs

I am looking for a new speaker to replace my Gallo Ref3's

I have a CJ PV15 into a pair of sixpacs my budget is $2500-$3000 (more on the $2500 side) USED!

Something with a built in sub would be nice, bi wired is OK I still have my Adcom 555 to drive a sub I listen to HT but my main addiction is analog mostly Rock to Punk to Classical a nice mix.

I found the Gallos to be harsh and not detailed enough (I have the ones without the switch)I just dont like there sound. I am at a loss
I cannot afford the trial and error approach

Any suggestions?

Wanna trade?
People seem to like them with both Vandersteens and Meadowlarks. Meadowlarks, in particular, can be had on the cheap now.
Can the sixpaxs run stats.
I am looking a pair if Innersound MkIIs I have never owned stats and they look perfect for me.
How do Stats sound as I have only hears the Logans at my local HiFi mega store and that is so controlled I would like a more rounded diverse opinion.

I was looking at the Vandys but I want to avoid a separate sub if possible.
I do like the look of the Oskar heil Syrinx but cant find any info on the gon about them.

I just spoke to Innersound and he said the Careys were the worst amp I could pick.
He did say the Innersound ESL300 was made to drive these speakers thatÂ’s OK but I just bought the bloody Careys!

The person selling the speaker said no problem using the Careys and backed it up with a page of statistics.

Some one help please