Best speakers around $130k?



Discussion of speaker must include the entire set up, what is driving them, room set up, of which the variables are infinite.  My current room has Totem Element Metals driven by VTL pre and amp, set into the corner of a room…IMO, sounds fabulous with a huge stage, incredible depth, and voices are as if the singer were 12 feet in front of you.  Have never heard better even with set ups costing twice as much (over $100m).  My set up has multiple acoustic elements to limit sound bouncing around room. I also added a sub, primarily for vibe below about 50hz.  Virgil Fox sounds like he is playing in my room.

So, maybe most of the money needs to go into the room and set up… I am guessing to arrive at the final positioning my speakers were moved about thirty times, some moves being in the half inch variety.

and now, the real issue, age of listener, actual ability to hear differences, True confessions… will not disclose my age, but my daddy bought me my first Porsche in 1960…. LOL

Discussion of speaker must include the entire set up

But that could be boasting.  $100m = $100 million?

Wrong thread, dude.

For that kind of $ I would put together a top of the line Shindo system with their Latour speakers.

Post removed 

After having a pair of Rockports Hyperion for 11 years, hooked up on huge poweramps i deceided to move to a High eficient speaker and a low watt amp.

My decision went to Sigma Acoustic: Maat Vector XDC which i beleave starts at around 165k€.

There are many ultra highend speaker but these have captured my heart for sure.

With 100db and flat 8 Ohm i can now use single ended tube as solid state amps and this has been a very very nice expirience.

End of story would be that after having them a year, i would buy them again.

Happy chrismas and hopeful we get a lot of good music.
