Best speaker cable for B&W?

I have a pair of B&W N805's I have a short 5 foot run, they are biwired with Monster M series Biwire. It sounds decent but I know I can do better. What kind of cable are people out there using with their B&Ws? I'm looking to spend about 130$ bucks used right now? Any suggestions or experiences?
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For that price try some used DH Labs T-14 biwires or a biwire pair of JPS Labs Ultraconductors. I personally preferred the Ultraconductors. Good luck!

At the price you are looking to purchase these things for you would be MUCH better served by a run of copper alarm wire, say in the 18 AWG range. If you can get some CAT 5 teflon insulated stuff, it will work really well - just make sure it's all solid core - stranded wire is just plain crippled by all sorts of nasty problems. Because you're running a short length the resistance of the wire itself shouldn't upset your amp's damping factor - all the control you need for the woof will be there.

Considering your budget and what is available in the audio realm to meet your budget, you will be way better off following my advice - it's super cheap to try, so if it doesn't work out... buy something else.
My dad has Harmonic Tech Pro-9 Plus Bi-wires with his B&W 803's. VERY VERY good sound. Much more bass response and tautness...more extended highs. Purer midrange. Great buy! Was an upgrade from a dual run bi-wire set of Audioquest indigo+'s. Very recommended! Cheers!
I have tried a few different cables with B&W speakers, including 805's 601's and 801's. This decision would depend on your front end. I have used MIT's MH750 bi wire and T2 biwire and liked them better than the monster cable I had on them before, but they weren't ultimately the best. Plus because they have the terminator network in them you can't double them up for single wire. I ended up with double runs of Tara Labs Master Gen2. This cable has since become discontinued but they do offer a new bi-wire cable, reference bi-wire. which is the most comparable to the master that I have on my system. It is very open, without being bring and has wonderful warmth. Give it a shot, most dealers will let you try cables overnight.