FWIW. Subscribe to Pandora+ for $5/mo. primarily to get “better” sound quality.
My experience with Win10 PC is that Pandora online resolves music much better than the W10 app, where I believe earlier research indicated that W10 app is def bandwidth restricted. The PC also resolves better than Pandora app on Xfinity. If I recall, the iPhone/Pad thru the same system resolves the same as W10 online Pandora since now I only use Pandora on iPhone when mobile thru AirPods.
I would say that some cuts coming thru the PC setup make me look up and take note to the pretty incredible sound quality coming thru a high quality consumer gear setup.
Bottom line, test out the $5/mo. service being sure that the online app is set up as “best sound available” (or something like that.)