Best Sounding Passive Preamp

What is the best sounding inexpensive passive preamp? I may have to send my preamp in for repair which could take a while and I don't want to be without music. My top priority is sound, but I don't want to spent a lot of money as I will be putting my preamp back in system upon return. Help please.
I bought the Axiom from Luminous Audio when my pre went to the shop..and thought I was buying a cheap POS to fill I surprised. It made me realize passive is worth a second look.
Scp, try the Lightspeed Attenuator - not much money either, I think you will like it since you must have a passive friendly system.
I bought 20 kits of parts from luminous after trying their pre-amp. Used with a Naim NAP250 & AVI Monoblocks.
Inside there are just two Caddock resistors & one 10K Noble Pot. The resistors are 2k87 ohms. The rest is a box, wire & 4 phono plugs. ( Must use Caddocks for best sound, we tried all the others, as was the case with the Noble pot)
Cost to buil DIY is about £20 max. Only suitable for line level, CD etc. Just perfect, clear, deep bass but controlled & beats active pre-amps if driving direct from a CD.
Deradave, try buying or building an LSA DIY - no pot better than no pot. Not the killer value of your DIY, but I think you will find even better performance if you can believe it.

I notice the consensus in the Agon chattering class is the TVC/AVC "kill" resitor based passives. Not my eperience, but I do wonder what a TVC/AVC would be the better approach, there obvioulsy some systems that would be better served by some impedance matching provided by them.