Best sounding LP nobody else has ever heard of...

I've been off the 'Gon for quite some time due to fatherhood, and was just perusing old threads. I came across "dissapointing audiophile recording" which got me thinking - by far some of the best LP's in my collection (sonically and performance-wise) are NOT the so-called audiophile issues, but just the opposite, they're ones that are never mentioned anywhere. It's often a complete surprise, and sometimes I know within 10 or 20 seconds of dropping the needle that I've got a really special one. So we're not looking for Jennifer Warnes, Pink Floyd, or even Strunz and Farah here... I'm travelling in Asia for 3 weeks, so I can't list mine very accurately by memory, but I will when I return if this thread picks up any steam.
Quincy Jones-Quintessence

Big Band Quincy Jones with Oliver Nelson and Phil Woods among the players. Dates from the early 60s.

I purchased my copy as a cut out back in '73. I use this LP to demonstrate to people the differences in CD and LP sound. I own a 20bit CD of the same recording.

I love both of the records which you mentioned, but both of my copies of Any Kind of Lie are strange in that a couple of tracks (I'll have to check for the titles) have severely limited Don Dixon's bass guitar. It almost sounds like two different records when you move track to track. Unsophisticated Time is even worse in this regard. I wonder if you have a different pressing? Any identifying info on your pressing would be greatly appreciated.

I agree that the best tracks on AKOL are wonderful sounding as is all of Used Guitars. BTW, you gotta love MJ's voice.

I too vote for Blue Nile, 'A walk on the Roof Top' is excellent.
Another 80's recording, Laszlo Gardony 'The Secret', my favorite jazz recording.