Best Small Speaker NOT B&W's 805N?

We auditioned B&W's Nautilus 805's in our living room and they sounded great. Unfortunately, my wife doesn't like the aesthetic styling of the B&W's and would prefer a more tradional looking box. We'd like to listen to some alternatives before making our final choice and would appreciate some help. Our living room is sonically awkward, because it is large and very bright. The windows and the furniture are situated to take advantage of some lovely views; but this makes speaker placement difficult. Still, we can create a quite nice near-field listening environment so long as the speakers we use are roughly the size of the B&W 805N's. We listen mostly to jazz, particularly piano and vocal. We would appreciate suggestions for 'best' speakers that are similar in size to the B&W's but with a more traditional look to them. Thanks in advance for your help! Kurt ield . look of the tweeter sitting on top of the box We have a living room in which the furniture layout prohibits anythin auditioned the B&W 805 Nautilus y wife and I
805s are great rears the 802s with correct power are the best this producer has ever heard.
Hi. You should audition the Proac Response 1 before purchasing the revels. It will surprise you and save you a lot of money as well. I am quite familiar with both the Revels & the Proacs. You will not miss out on anything if you listen to the Proacs before purchasing. Also If you intend to spend that much money, you're better off spending some of it for a better front end. Re preamps; stay away from the Krell or Sonic Frontier units. The Krells are harsh and totally unmusical. The SF on the other hand are overly colored and lush with no real bass control to speak of. The Mark Levinson is the best compromise out of the lot. But again before purchasing you should listen to a Lamm Audio's Model 1 or Model 2 preamp. These 2 are the best and most ignored preamplifiers on the market. You have other alternatives from VAC & Conrad Johnson that will be much more musical than your 3 choices. I do not know which speakers you currently own, but if you are seriously considering spending that much money $6000-$10000 on upgrading your system, you should budget a good part of that for a better front end first. Once you have a good source you will be in a better position to get maximum benefit from the rest of your system. Do not forget the old addage "JUNK IN - JUNK OUT!!! From what I can see your dealer is steering you totally in the wrong direction. Expensive speakers + expensive preamp when you are using a budget lofi turntable with a 10 year old amp. A system is like a chain and is a good as it's weakest link. Your current equipment does not warrant the money you want to spend on speakers & preamps suggested to you. Change your dealer before purchasing anything. He should know better! If you don't believe me ask the opinion of a few other fellow audiophiles on these pages.
I have very much enjoyed my avalon monitors. I listened to many of the mini-monitors listed here and the avalons were by far the most analytical (you mentioned how you had enjoyed hearing things you hadn't noticed before). They probably aren't as dynamic as the revels but when mated with the right front end, they are beautiful to look at and sound tremendous. They aren't sold retail anymore but if you keep your eye out you can find them occasionally on the internet. Good luck
Hi! Lamm's web site is You should look at their site & read some of their reviews. If you are interested, a home demo could be arranged through my dealer here. My e-mail is