Best phono preamp in the $ 1000 to $ 2000 range ?

Which do you think is the best preamplifier in the mentioned range (it can be second-hand price) ? Is it tube or SS ? For a MC, would you configure a transformer step-up or you would go with a full active solution ? Thanks for sharing your experience and opinions.

Thank you for your post as well as to the other posters.
The ZYX is described as a step-up device, not a phono pre.
Is it wrongly described ?
a Jasmine LP2.0MK II + Bob's Device Cinemags and nice shielded cable for in between is a great option. I use that with a Zu103 cartridge on a Well Tempered Reference and its seriously musical.
So, my friends, with the products you suggested and some else, my list now includes:

Pass Xono
JLTi mkII (PSU optional)
ASR mini basic
Sim Audio LP 3.5 (PSU optional)
Herron Audio VTPH-MC
Jasmine LP 2.0 SE

Aren’t there any more tube phono preamps to add to the list?
I’m kind of biased against integrated circuits, preferring discrete components (tube or transistor), I admit it’s a bias and probably unfunded.

The Herron is the only tubed component, with a FET front end, I don’t like that it is either mc or mm, not both, so it limits your options in the future, anyway I think it’s a good candidate. JLTi has great reviews, but I don’t know how often it appears second-hand. I’m currently leaning to one of those two options (as I read more I might change my mind).

It would be great if you comment on the list, maybe add some components or perhaps some step-up device as long as it adds to the assigned budget.