Best or most profound sleeper product

As with wine, I think that price certainly does not guarantee quality. Oddly, many people in this hobby refer to their equipment by its' price in the same manner that people will refer to " a hundred dollar bottle of wine." I have had many wines that were less that $20 that were pure joy. I think that the same must be true in this hobby. An example: used Pioneer PD-65, $300 for a good transport or Conrad J pv-10. For the benefit of other newbies (like myself), please list the 'sleepers' that you have found. Cheers
Mapleshade Golden Helix speaker cable wire ($85 for 8 foot pair).

nOrh 4.0 drum speakers ($400/pair, ceramic cabinet). Virtually anything made by nOrh is a terrific value, well-built, and usually a "sleeper." :-)

Odyssey Stratos amplifiers (one day I'll have one).
The modified ART Di/O. Kevin Morris modified mine, the whole package less than $375. It kills many more expensive units and the Boldermods modified unit, IMO.
I agree that Passives are a great alternative.FT Audio's LW-1 I had for close to a year and miss it already.

Other products I know t be sleepers are.
Digital Amps-Just coming onto the scene.Panasonics SA-XR25\45's are under $300.

These Hook-Up cables are almost identical to what comes in Kit Form for around $700.

ART DIO-Modified
For those having a poor DAC section for Redbook ot's a great deal.

Pioneer 563A Universal DVDP
You can get this unit for around $160 now which is great for those just wanting a unit to play stuff that is not redbook.

Samsung TV Monitors
For the price they cannot be beat.

Digital amps - panasonic sa-xr45, ear, sony receivers 3000es and up. Other companies are jumping on the wagon. Watch this technology - it will make quality affordable - we can now give them to our kids and our folks.