Best Movie Soundtrack

I own a few soundtracks (At first sight, message in a bottle and Amadeus)and would like to know what other soundtracks might be good ones as well
I second Amiee Mann's "Magnolia." If you like Lucinda Williams and you haven't heard this, or seen this crazy movie, you should fix that.

The soundtrack I listen to most is from "Waking Ned Devine." Music by Shaun Davey. Very, very good. (Excellent movie as well.)

Ry Cooder is bad to the bone. I would almost watch that mediocre movie "Southern Comfort" again, except I don't have to 'cause I bought "Music By Ry Cooder" which gives me my fix on his excellent movies scores.


Toy Story - Randy Newman
Princess Bride - Mark Knopfler
Get Shorty - John Lurie
Waiting to Exhale
Blues Brothers
Repo Man
“Yomutha” on Brother from Another Planet
Pulp Fiction
Hope Floats...really. Tracks by Bryan Adams, Garth Brooks, Bob Segar, the Stones...

great for sharing a glass (or bottle) of red wine with the one you love (or hope to be by the end of the cd)...

Message in a Botttle and City of Angels are good bets as well. Rain Man has some cool tunes on it. For the Love of the Game is enjoyable as well.