Best Intergrated Amp. Under 1k with "PRAT"

For a 2nd system, it will be driving Maggie 1.6. Listen mainly to Jazz at moderate levels, and Pace, Rhythm, Acceleration and Timing are improtant to my way of listening.

I want to stay under 1k, the further under the better. I have had good luck with the Classe CAP-80 and CAP-100 in the past, and was not as impressed with a Plinius I listened to .

I was very impressed with the Naim Nait 5i, and think you'll find it worth checking out. Certainly the attributes you cite are considered its strong points by several reviewers. I'm going in for a closer listen with known music and speakers...
If you are looking for "PRAT", I would suggest a Naim Integrated. Naim always is great with Pace and Rhythm and if you aren't going to listen too loud, a Nait 3 or 5 should be able to power the Maggies. Hope this helps.
Yeah, I just don't listen loud...I have read good things about the Naim...but never heard one. Do you know if they use all discrete circuits or use op-amps?

Check the new ONIX A-120 MkII... 120 WPC into 8 Ohms... I had one driving my 4 Ohm 88 dB efficient speakers until recently when I decided to try a few more powerful amps being driven directly from my CDP which has integrated volume control...

The A-120 MkII has excellent tonal balance, better bass control and presence than the McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe that I replaced it with, and in terms of PRAT you're only going to be as limited as your source with this piece.

I'm still in the hunt for other amps, a newer McCormack, some new digital amps, etc... but I think in the end it looks like I'll be back with an A-120 MkII and probably just having it modded to get the last bit of performance out of it.

Brand new they're $695, and for upwards of double the money I've yet to find something that beats it even on the used market... and I've been trying very very hard!

There's a 30-day money back policy on it as well, so if you don't like it... which I'd be surprised by... you can send it back and be out only the shipping.
