best interconnect for less than 100???

I have a decent system: Totem 1 (biwire version) on dedicated custom-made stands (weighing more than 30lbs each stand!), Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 preamp with NOS Telefunken 12AX7, Kinergetics Research Chiro C-200 amp, and an Ultech UCD-100 cd playback. My speaker cables are Audioquest Indigo plus, interconnects are Synergistic Research Mark 2 from preamp-amp, and Straight Wire Chorus from the cd player to the preamp...I am looking to replace the SW Chorus... This is a very budget cable that received high priases particulary from British magazines...However, as godd as it is considering that it only retails for $40, I find the midrange a bit shut in and wanting in transparency. Any suggestions on a pair of either a .5m or 1m interconnect for my Ultech to the SFL-1...My budget is very limited: less than $100 for a used pair....I really don't beleive in spending a lot to get good sound from cables.....HELP!!!!
Second the homegrown silver lace. Can assemble and save $50 but need a multimeter from Radio Shack. Also consider Goertz micropurl for less money.
I really like the NBS series of cables. What's the opinion of the rest of you? The Stingher retails for 95.00 and for my money seems to be a bargain. Has anyone a-b'd this to the rest?
How about MIT T2 used for $50.00 at used'm suprise that nobody even mention it.