Best Interated amp hands down.

Let settle the dispute. I have been in the market for a $1000 integrated amp for a few months now and have seen dozens of threads about them. I formerly has a list of about 20 diffrent one that claimed they are the best. The list has been narowed to the top five contenders. and here they are. Let the debates begin.

• Audio Analogue Puccini SE
• Plinius 8100
• Unison Unico
• Blue Circle CS
• Musical Fidelity A300
Frank Van Alstine's OmegaStar 200EX Integrated Amp is an excellent unit, but is currently out of production. The only problem was it cost too much to produce and was not profitable for him to build. The upgraded EX version has output stage similar to that used in the Fet Valve amplifiers. Frank did have a demo OmegaStar 200 (not EX) available last month for around $800.
You will have to spend more than $1,000.00 to get the best integrated, hands down!
i own mf a300 and i would not part with it for any amount of money it plays all types of music well