Best integrated tube amplifier, under $3,000.00. No phono needed. Could be used, too.d

What's the best integrated tube amplifier under 3k, don't need phono.  Used is ok, too.  Thanks!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xanotherbob
It’s a bit of a stretch, but I’d go for the Pathos Acoustics Twin Tower integrated amp just listed this morning 12/7. Ideally, you could negotiate toward your price and hopefully, you are fairly close because I could see it getting damaged in shipping. -No affiliation. Beautiful, excellent sounding Italian hybrid amplifier. (Not Chinese.)
Strong recommendation here for the Audio Research VSi60, which you can probably pick up used in your price range. About 50 watts.

I've owned one, loved it, sold it to a friend who loves it. Have heard it compared to comparably priced Rogues -- blew them away.
The answer to your question is somewhat dependent on the speakers you want to drive and at what listening levels. That said, there are lots of good suggestions above.

I own an SLI-80 with quite a few factory upgrades. Bought it used in the stock configuration and a couple of years ago had it upgraded. Really like the result. Use it to drive Merlin TSMs (8 Ohm, 87dB); not a hard load, but not an easy one.

Miniature tubes are all NOS. Have tried quite a few different power tubes (one of the virtues of the SLI-80 is the variety of power tubes it can accommodate). Generally rotated between Winged-C EL-34s (triode) and Gold Lion KT-88s (ultralinear) for a few years. Tried KT120s (ultraliner) on a lark and they turned out to be an extremely good match.The clean sound, improved extension top and bottom, and the effortlessness with which they handled the Merlins made them my standard.

Good luck in your search!
Consider building one from a kit If you can get someone to mentor you if you wonder whether you will get it right. Everything you will solder together is large and easy to get to and there are many fewer parts. You will have freedom to make the chassis in your own style and you will appreciate amplifiers more after you learn more about them.