Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
I was quite impressed with the sound of the full ASR Emitter 11 system driving Dynaudio speakers.

Not cheap but I've heard more exotic and expensive systems of separates and full range speakers that didn't have as much going for them.
thanks for input .It always good to discover somenthing new .ASR Emitter 11 looks impressive inside
ASR Emitter 11 system driving Dynaudio speakers are the speaker I use and have always had good luck with them, and I have yet to hear better.
I was fortunate enough to obtain a Dartzeel CTH-8550 integrated amp recently. I am not claiming it is the best integrated period as have not heard every integrated created in history. I doubt anyone has.

But it is so good as to give my CJ ACT2.2 and CJ Premier 350SA a run for its money and is threatening to replace it. The CJ combo is up there with the best pre and power out there at its price point so to have an integrated amp in the Dartzeel provide a very similar level of enjoyment says it all.
Well i am using a Chord CPM-2600 with a Chord One Cd player with 81db Acoustat's 1+1s with very nice results i can tell you after living with Acoustat's electrostatics for more than 27 years this is no easy feat for any amplifier i know that there are better amps out there but for how much money ?????.