Best integrated for Dynaudio 1.3mkII

Which integrated for dyn 1.3mkII

1. Simaudio I-5
2. MF A3.2
3. Audio Refinement Complete
4. Creek 5350SE

or anything else?
I have been checking out this thread for a while and I guess I will speak up. I recently went from separates (Melos tube preamp and tube amp) to a 175 wpc integrated. I bought a used KARAN KA-i180 based on a TNT Audio review. I was so close to buying the Sim unit. I spent $2200.00 on a used KA-i180 and love it far more than my $7500.00 retail Melos stuff. Electric guitar is not bright, the bass is tight and deep and the soudstage is wide with grate depth. I use cd only and have North Creek Rhythm loudspeakers.
I am beginning the same search for an integrated for my Dyn 1.8 mkIIs. The Simaudio I-5 is also on my list. Here are the others that I am considering that you may want to take a look at:

Plinius 9200 - Lots of comments on the synergy between Plinius and Dynaudio.

Primare A30.1 - mentioned by Eps above.

Coda Continuum Unison 3.3 - getting excellent press.

Krell KAV 400xi - supposedly a real step up from the 300.

Good luck in your search. I will be keeping an eye on this thread. Let us know what you find.

If you will note my response said, "If I had to pick between these three". Operative word "If" One of the joys of our hobby is that there are always choices including many more than the three I listed. You should read another's response thoroughly before disparaging them as it makes you look like a fool.