Best integrated amp for Marten Miles 5


i am goint to change my MA2275 for a solid state. I really do not know wich one match better with my speakers. The source is a Linn Klimax DS/1 the room is 25m 2 and the wires are Hi Diamond 8.The candidates are:

Gryphon Diablo 300
Pass INT 250 or INT 60
Vitus Ri 100

any experinece with Martens or advice?

thanks in advance
Would recommend pairing with the EAR890 or the EAR834 for the integrated route. I am pairing the 890 with the Bird 2's.
Finding a used Dartzeel 8550 is exactly what I would do. Extremely musical with loads of detail and no brightness to be found. Built to last forever. Just another opinion. Not cheap but you’d be set for years.
In the end i trie at home Gryphon Diablo 300, Vitus Ri-100, Vtl, and Analog Domain wich was definitively superior in all aspects. It was so for me and the rest of people we were....i am a very happy man. Analog Domain ISIS is another league.
Ansibron, if you don’t need a inboard DAC or a phonostage then definitely try to audition Analogue Audio Maestro Anniversary integrated. Even though I have separates, I got one a few months ago and it is amazing. Still can’t believe my ears. With your speakers should sound excellent.
All the choices on your short list would definately be a major step forward imo as i dont care for Mac at all and ive owned to many to talk about. Having said that I also agree and recommend tubes with your speakers