Best Integrated

Just wondering about the vote for best integrated and prices and characteristics of the following:

1. Mark Levinson 383
2. Jeff Rowland Concentra
3. Conrad Johnson
4. Classe Audio
5. Gryphon Tabu
6. Krell KAV 300i

Feedback much appreciated

Wow you seem to really know your stuff. My worry is that the AE 1's are pretty current hungry. Will the accuphase or EAR's be able to satisfy it?

The general consensus on this board seems to be against the Krells. A bit confused 'cos Stereophile seems to rate them highly for midrange and top end transparency although my experience with my system has been like you say a tad bright. Wasn't sure about the newer models.
Dave you should not overlook the Musical Fidelity M3 NuVista
integrated for $4500 new, $4000 demo at Audio Advisor. This
was reviewed in Feb 2001 Stereophile, 250 watt should handle any system. The reviewers at Stereophile who bought the MF NuVista amp/preamp liked the newer designed and cheaper M3 integrated better. Check with Audio Advisor, demand is very strong for this unit!