METALLICA!!!! No one will disagree,will they? This band just never stops getting better.Load,Re-load all classics.The B.O.C.cover of Astronomy off of Garage for sure one of the meanest,heaviest songs EVER! Metallica RULES!!!
I'd rather scratch with a Herman's Hermit record. (ok, they all should of quit after B.S., but I had a bigger whole in my head (now and) then.
I bought the "Black Album" when it came out and thought it was OK. I went to see the live show, man what a bunch of dorks, I lost all respect and felt like a fool in the presense of all those hairshakers. I don't know if they qualify as metal, but Tool is one of the best in my opinion.
In regards to Alternica, the greatest fall from grace i have ever witnessed, they sound to me like a bunch of old tired men. As far as sabbath, I'll take ronnie james dio over ozzy any day, heaven and hell, can't beat it, I would really love o hear what kind of systems u heavy metal fans have, if u have the time, please email me and let me know what kind of gear u have., I loved korns first cd, thought it was riveting, every album since then as been junk, yet i am stuck with the email account name of korn, oh well.
Is it a faux pas to use proper grammar and syntax in response to this thread? "Alternica"...first time I've heard that and I'm still laughing over that one. I agree the early stuff including "Puppets" and "Justice" qualify. Perhaps my age is showing w/ my concurrence on Purple. I'd also agree on Tool, throw Megadeth in for honorable mention. But the short lived outfit Blue Murder was a serious contender as well. Anyone else remember them?