Best female vocals on CD

Want recommendations for Female recordings on CD. Thanks Joe
Ok, gotta be Joni Mitchel, not just for voice, but style, composition, overall musical soulfullness. And what about Stevie Nicks? Her work with Fleetwood Mac and even solo is not too shabby.
Forget D.K. - Great recordings, but I'd take Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Karen Carpenter and Linda Ronstadt any day for vocals over Diana Krall
Billy Holliday & Ella Fitzgerald recordings. Especially the Mobile Fidelity Ultradic CDs.
I heard for my first time, while auditioning speakers for my first time since 1978, Rebecca Pidgeon sing "Rose In Sapnish Harlem". It was on a pair of Paradigm Studio 60's being powered by a 250watt amp. I have never heard anything that sounded that good. I can still hear her voice in my mind. It gave me goosebumpbs.