Best female vocals on CD

Want recommendations for Female recordings on CD. Thanks Joe
I find Cowboy Junkies too slow - nice voice but by the end of a CD I'm almost asleep!
Recently got a Linda Perry CD (in flight) and its amazing. Her vocals are strong and songs great. I also like johnette napol... (concrete blonde) especially the first (self titled) album & a good mix on "still in Hollywood".

I think alot are voting on Margo's looks not sounds - I think Linda Perry comes out on top in both catagories!
One of my favorite songs is from a relatively obscure singer named Sara Jahn. I first heard the song crucible on a compilation CD put out by a St. Louis rock station. I recently acquired her CD & although the song has changed somewhat, her voice has matured. I was reading through some of the earlier posts (i.e. Diana Krall) & like DK, her voice conveys the emotion without scientific explanation. Side note: I attended a wedding not long ago & asked the DJ to play Diana Krall. He was surprised that I even knew her name, but while the music was playing I looked around the room & noticed everybody was enjoying it.