Best CD source?

Where is the best CD source? For me, best means less expensive, reliable and good assortment. I spend a couple thousand dollars a year, and I'd love to find some place that would "reward" my habit with a volume discount.
BMG averages about $8, including shipping and handling. Ok selection. Must be a member and don't let them send those silly cards that must be returned.
I buy most of my CD's from Tower Records' online service. Large selection, quick service, usually the best price, convenient, and no state sales tax.

Go to:
I find that and are the best. Both have great selection and prices. is good, but a bit of a pain to use.
Go to the local thrift shops and flea markets and do some digging. I do not use vinyl anymore but have my choice of thousands of LPs' in the local LA thrift shops for 25 cents to $1 per album (CD's are $1 to $3 each). They often get in whole collections from estates. We have purchased at least 40 mint CD's alone in the past two weeks for approx. $80.00. If you have the time it is a worth while venture. It also helps to get to know each shop's delivery schedule (if they are supplied from a main warehouse) and to arrive ASAP after the merchandise is stocked if at all possible (this is what happened with the CD's in the past two weeks).
I have multiple screens running to compare prices and have found over the course of five years that for new recordings CD Connection is best hands down. Order more than $100 and buyer receives free shipping. I find that their practice of free shipping to be a compelling one. Let's say you order $125 worth of CDs and that rare import is out of stock, CD Connection will ship for free even if your order has now dropped below $100. I have never had a problem and any communication I've had with them is fast and friendly. I could not reccomend any other new online retailer as high as I do CD Connection.