Best CD player now made.

I am interested in getting the best CD player out there as one of my digital sources. I have a few candidates but I wanted some other opinions. Any suggestions on the Sony's top player or Mark Levinson, or even the BAT tubed affair. I realise the Transport and the DAC might be superior but I wanted to stay below 5 digits. Thanks,
Over the years the best equipment..analog, digital,amp, pre-amp, CDP......whatever has always been either slightly or highly modified versions of stock units. All devices have their pro's and con's, even top end reference units. As for a CDP I'm all for transport/DAC/anti-jitter box combos. Digital techionolgies change so fast that you're out-dated before you buy. A good transport (G&D Transports top end unit is truly world class) with a good DAC and perhaps a Monarchy DIP/SUPERDIP(both in series) combo and you've a great CD device thats hard to beat. Personally I think buying a $5-7,000 CDP is absurd unless you have $$ to burn, then go for it. A CDP combo allows easy and relatively painless up-grading without getting whacked on the $$ loss of a all in one unit.
Stay away from the Sony high end stuff. I agree with the Meridian 508.24. It was way better than the ARC CD-2 I had.
Anyone heard of MSB Technologies (Mark Brasfield) - based out of Moss Beach;CA? Supposedly , he makes a killer CD player that rivals Meridian 508
I have to say that the Balanced Audio Technology VK-D5 is the first CD player I have ever heard that does not sound like one. There is just something musically right about this player. Sorry but I have to strongly disagree with the suggestion that buying a dedicated CD player is a waste of money. DVD players are, first and foremost, designed to play DVD movies. I have gone through the process of using a DVD player to play CDs and I was not impressed. There are good CD players and bad CD players and I will choose a good CD player to play CDs over a DVD player any day of the week.
you all need to listen to the theta voyager. it blows all the competition away. and it is only 7800.00. i did a lot of serious listening and found it to be the best. it will play any audio cd, dvd, 10 inch or 12 inch ld.