Best CD player now made.

I am interested in getting the best CD player out there as one of my digital sources. I have a few candidates but I wanted some other opinions. Any suggestions on the Sony's top player or Mark Levinson, or even the BAT tubed affair. I realise the Transport and the DAC might be superior but I wanted to stay below 5 digits. Thanks,
Strongly disagree..two best CD players are Meridian 508.24 at $ 4000 and the best...Goldmund 39DA++ at $ 7000 and that the best CD players out there Happy Listening
I just bought the Wadia 850. I havent listened to many of the other top of the line CDP's so I couldnt honestly say this is the best..But it is an AWESOME unit and you should check it out if you can.(MSRP $4950)
There is no such a thing as the best CD player. It depends to your system and taste. I have had many different ones but the Meridian 508 is very good and very close to Analogue sources (I have a Linn LP12). AND it is very fairely priced which at the pace the technology is moving would a good deal
Just wanted to follow up here. I thought about purchasing that said unit, but heard so many negative things about DIGITAL volume control - you know, throwing away bits etc. So the present target may be the ML#39, volume in the analog domain, they are all in the $5K range anyway. Has anyone really compared listening to Analog vs digital volume control. Picky, but bear with me. Thanks
i have heard the #39 and alot of others. the levinson is the best let your ears be the judge? IF ANYONE IS SELLING ONE PLEASE E MAIL I WANT ONE THANKYOU.also listen to the metronome KILLER KILLER