Best Brandenburg Concerto recording CD

Demoing new speakers this weekend...would love to test out Brandenburg Concertos...which recording should I pick?
COncerto Grosso on Phillips I believe is excellent
great sound and lively performances
One factor that might make a difference is whether you prefer a closely miked recording or one with more space. The Martin Pearlman recordings evoke a large hall, while the Trevor Pinnock recordings sound closer and more intimate.

I like the performances and the close miking on the Pinnock recordings, but the sound is good, not great. It was recorded in the early days of digital. It would be great if they would rerecord it with 24 bit technology.

Has anyone heard the Apollo's Fire version?
This isn't the newest thread, but as it still seems relevant may I suggest -- much as I enjoy Pinnock and Perlman and in a different category Ristenpart -- that there's now a good case to be made for Tafelmusik under Jean Lamon. Performance and sonics top class.
Anyone currently looking for nicely recorded, superb performances of Bach's Brandenburg Concertos can choose from among these two: Ton Koopman with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra on the Apex label-or-Raymond Leppard with the English Chamber Orchestra on the Universal Classics label. As with nearly all recorded Brandenburgs, each is spread over two discs. Some vendors on Amazon offer them new at excellent prices.
Get thee a Musica Florea CD set (Marek Stryncl). It is available on Amazon as an import only, about $40. BRAVO horns!

Second best recommendation: Academy of Ancient Music, Richard Egarr (Harmonia Mundi) SACD set reviewed in Stereophile several months ago. Also really, really good; some tempos are not quite as agressive. Sound is spectacular. Bravo horns!