Best amps for MBL101e's?

I took the plunge and bought 101e's and restarting the upgrade bug. These speakers are not very efficient and in a large room. I have the EMM labs combo, and probably am going to buy the 6010d preamp that I am demoing right now (great phono section, has the ability to match levels for 4 different output channels). My bias in the past has been tubes (MC2000, VT100mkII)...any suggestions?

Well I tried mc2000 on top, and VT100 on bottom, that sounded like doodoo. My whole family is apparently tubeophiles, as all of us preferred the mc2000 by itself over the Accuphase monos, although they had plenty of power.
Chris, I have the 111e's with 101e's on my wish list. I have tried a number of amps with the 111's. The best solid state amps I heard in my system were the 9011 MBL mono blocks. Very very nice but they just did not have that magic, lack of grain and realism that I need. I wound up talking David Berning into building a custom set of mono blocks that would drive MBL 101s or any other speaker on the market. They are quite amazing in what they have done to my rig. I now have the bass slam of the MBL amps and the finesse, richness and smoothness of smaller tube amps. They sound so good, David decided to build around 24 pairs of these amps to help recoupe some of his investment. You are welcome to email off thread if you want more info.