Best amp for NHT Classic 3

Hi all,

I'm new here. I don't know much about amplifier. I'm looking for an integrated amp or amp+preamp for my NHT Classic 3 and SW10 subwoofer. This set is for listening to the music only. The following are my preferences:

-Price under $1,000 (used/new)
-Phono input
-Second Pre-out for my subwoofer

That's about it. I saw NHT Power 2 is selling here. Is it a good amp for the music? Many people said NAD is a good choice to go for, but I just want to hear what you guys think. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Thank you...
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I know you guys are going to laugh at this, but I have a pair of these hooked to a vintage Sherwood s5000 at 18-20 watts and in my small room the sound is magical at low to moderate volume levels. It shouldn't work but is does. The midrange will make you cry. The bass is a little wooly but not bad at reasonable volumes. The highs sound natural to me. Maybe the highs the 3's is a little tipped up and the normally rolled off top end of the Sherwood provides balance. Any ideas? The great thing about this hobby is that chance many times brings the best rewards.
Bob_reynolds: Could you please explain more about both preamp out and main amp in jacks? Is the amp that has 2 preamp out enough?

Thank you.
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