best amp for Martin logan sl-3

Need some advice from other sl3 owners. Does the Audio research vt100 MKI or II have enough power to drive the SL3. What is the difference between the mkI and MKII? Has anyone ever heard the Innersound amp with the SL3? Any advice would be most appreciated.
Shemply613 How do you like the Innersound amp? I almost bought it, but decided to go with the Bel Canto Evo 200.2 digital amp. Have been very pleased so far. I have a pair of ML Requests with a Audible Illusions Mod 1 tube pre-amp. I am in the process of mking a DIY speaker and IC's that will work incredible with ML's. Merry Xmas
Happy Holidays Hiflyer: I have had the Innersound for about a week now, but haven't had time to do any serious listening yet due to Holiday company etc. First impressions: Endless power, never harsh, extended top end, good amount of bass, wide soundstage. Current reservations: Depth seems lacking but this may be placement related (xmas tree in room) and bass tightness-there seems to be enough bass, but I'm not sure of how articulate it is.Bottom line: Still too early to reach any conclusions. BTW, I had the evo 200.2 for about a week and found that it lacked bottom end and general punch and drive. Wonderful soundstage and very airy, but for my money it just seemed underpowered for the SL3 in my room (23x14). I'll let you know how the innersound works out. I'm hopeful it will do the trick-The best anwer may lie in the innersound/sl3 combinaton with a sub-perhaps rel or ACI titan II which is very well regarded by many. Thanks for the post.
To Hiflyer: BTW, I forgot to ask- What kind of DIY projects are you working on? I'm interested in your interconnect project for Martin logans. Please let me know when you get a chance. thanks
Shemply613, Here are two websites on Belden products to use as IC's an speaker cables. These guys have created a great sounding product VERY inexpensive. I have heard the finished product and it is amazing. Will blow away any cable I have heard including Cardas,Transparent,Nordost etc. Go to : Chris Venhaus and Jon Risch explain in detail why these cables work so well and how to build them. Good Luck!