Best acoustical guitar - any type music

I love the harmonics of the guitar. Regardless of the genre - classical, jazz, pop, etc. What are your top five (or ten) acoutical guitar recordings - for sound quality and performance? You recommend them, I'll buy them.
Hey everybody! One of the best living finger-picking style guitarists is Duck Baker of Richmond California! Never heard of him, well thats a darn shame. Duck tours in the U.S. and Europe and among professional guitarists he is recognized as one of the best. Duck can play anything - jazz, bluegrass, old-timey and other traditional folk styles. Most of his cd's these days are self-produced and can be purchased directly from him. Some of his earlier albums on still available on the Shanniche label and well worth looking for. Really folks he is a living master and puts guys like John Fahey and David Grisman to shame. Happy listening!
Grisman and Garcia: Shady Grove, So What? and Pizza Tapes (with Tony Rice)
Jerry Douglas, Russ Bareenberg and Edgar Meyer, Skip,Hop and Wobble
Rob Eberhard Young: Sticks and Stones
Check out Pat Donohue's American Guitar (BSR-927) on Blue Sky records recorded in 2000. Besides being great music the sound is amazingly life-like. You'll get that "in your room" effect better than any other acoustic guitar recording I've experienced.

If you like Tony Rice check out Sean Watkins 2001 solo album, Let it Fall, on Sugar Hill. Extremely well recorded and a nice variety of acoustic pieces.

Lastly, still holding up from 1990 is Norman Blake and Tony Rice 2 on Rounder CD 0266. Doc Watson joins in on Lost Indian for an amazing guitar trio.