anybody has any suggestion for the best AC cord on the market?
i am upgrading all my system and need a set of AC cord, i am thinking to go with psaudio lab cable or black mamba, but after doing some research the whale elite seems to be popular, any recommendation?
Give B.M.I. Whales a try. I recently replaced two Synergistic Recearch Master Couplers with the Whales. Away went the harshness, and out flowed the music. I've had other cables some costing more and some less, but for the money I strongly reccomend giving Whales a try.
For $39.95 it has the competition running for cover!
PSC Audio Pure Silver. Not really cheap, but the results are there. I've tried MIT, Stealth, XLO, Harmonic Tech and, of course, the stock Wonder Cable that comes with most gear. The PSC Audio Silver Power makes musical attacts and fast transients faster and more articulate. For example, finger snaps sound more startling and leading edges of cymbals are more crisp. I've also noticed bass overhang is reduced with this cable, but deep bass has more tone. My only explaination for the improvements is the lack of resistance in the cable alloy. It's worked well in my system.
There are a whole lot of snake oil salesman in the power cord market. Most of these cords are made from cheap parts, and then hand assembled. There are a few companies like Shunyata and Electra Glide that actually are using novel designs that almost seem to justify their prices. Be careful before you lay down $1K and make sure you're getting something that really works for you.
bought a black mamba, and honestly there is not much different, yes there is an improvement on the bass and highs (probably 5-10 percent only), but it doesnt perform as good as the reviews here.