anybody has any suggestion for the best AC cord on the market?
i am upgrading all my system and need a set of AC cord, i am thinking to go with psaudio lab cable or black mamba, but after doing some research the whale elite seems to be popular, any recommendation?
Dynamics: What is you system and what are you looking/hearing to do with the sound?
Try the Absolute Power Company cables on sale on Audiogon for $39 each. I would be surprised if there is a cable available for less than $1000 that can beat them.
my systems are WADIA 850 and PLINIUS SA 100, interconnect is audioquest diamond X3, audio power ultra112, audioquest caldera and B&W 803
right now i think my system sound pretty good but i need more bass and warmth
so which one should i got with?
i would not try the absolute amazing power cord and do not intend to, i rather spend my $39 buying new CD.
Hi Dynamics: I am breaking in a pair of the BMI Whale PC's to be used on my DAC and player in a fly watt SET based system. My amp is in the shop right now and I will wait until I get everything back together before I do any serious listening with the BMI's, but so far I have been very pleased with their sound which is full, round and 3D. I am currently using my spare Musical Fidelity X-A1 amp and the bass response is much improved over the Stealth HAC and HT Pro 11 PC's that I upgraded. Curiously enough I did order some of the Absolute cords to try out on my power conditioners. I am using two of the Monster HTS2000's and had thought that it would be intersting to play around with the cords on these units and see what comes of it. Hopefully some of the BMI users at this site will be able to give you more in depth feedback on this PC. Also if you are interested there is a new (and quite favorable) review of your Audiotruth IC's by Carl Eber at the following web address -