Benz cartridge line - what is the HOMC sweet spot?

I'm interested in adding one to an Origin Live Encounter MKIII arm on a baltic birch plinthed Technics SP-10 MKII. Phono stage is a Bottlehead Eros, 50dB gain.

Have a blessed Christmas Day, all!

Before you get to Interested in a Benz cartridge you should know there is a waiting list of 6 to 12 months to get one.
The LP-s is generally available. Gullwing is not. Not sure about the rest of the line up.
Hello JB,
I am new to this site - Happened to see that you have a Pass Aleph clone.. I have an old Aleph 30 not really used in YEARS 15 years maybe.  I am looking for inexpensive speakers sub $1,000  In your post you mentioned you use Elac5's ? Sounded warm , nice..   Any further comments about this combo? Any other speakers you might suggest?  thank You .