Been away for a while, need some help

OK folks, I have been away from the audiophile market for a while, about 10 years. Moved, built a new home, now I have a new home and beautiful finished basement with a dedicated area for music. My equipment is a little dated, but I am finally starting to enjoy listening again. I currently have a Classe CA-151 amp with a Classe SSP-25 pre and a Sony DVP 9000 ES player all on a pair of B&W CDM 9NT. Pursit Audio Musaeus speaker cables, Kimber Hero interconnects. I don't do video anymore so the SSP 25 and DVP 9000 are just 2 channel audio. I used to have a lot of SACD's but we had a break in 2 years ago and a lot of CD's were stolen among other items. 
I just started listening again and I realized how much I miss just listening to music. I was going to start repurchasing some of my favorite disc that were stolen like some Alison Kraus SACD's, but a friend turned me on to Qobuz. So I am trying a free trial and I plugged my MacBook Pro into my pre via cheap cable through the headphone jack. Listening to an Alison Krause CD I used to own on SACD and I must say it sounded pretty darn good. I was going to look at buying a new CD player since I know my Sony is pretty dated and I don't really have SACD's anymore so now I am exploring the thought of a streamer. 
This is where you all come in. Given my situation, what do you suggest. A decent streamer? I started looking and I am seeing everything from $500 to $5000. Its a stretch of the budget but I was intrigued by the Auralic G1. I have to admit the thought of maybe getting rid of the ugly CD cabinet and just streaming is enticing if it is worth it. I must admit tonight was the longest I listened to music in a loooong time listening to the Qobuz on the MacBook pro and listening to everything from Alison to Coltrane. I don't want to crazy anymore but I really enjoy music and I may eventually sell the classe stuff for some tubed integrated down the road, but I think the digital upgrade is my immediate need. I appreciate your help and direction for someone who has been away for a while. 
I was in your exact spot not long ago- ironically I also have a Sony ES combo player. If you are a DIYer, try a raspberry pi with an Allo or Hifiberry DAC hat. I use Volumio as the software- small subscription fee required, and am very pleased. It wasnt difficult to set this up..and could have been easily nder $100. An RPI ZERO W from the PI Shop is $15-20, case is under 20, and the hat, possibly an Allo mini-bosd is under 40. You could also buy an RPI 4 and it woukd be multi useful down the road. Mine is set up in a small box with a screen- it looks like an audio component and can run Tidalnor Qubuz
It may also be possible to just use a rpi to stream to your Sony. I don’t recall if yours has a digital in. BTW....don't ditch your CD player immediately.I still enjoy mine very much and will most likely keep it. 
I agree that you should keep your CD player and CD's.  Good to have a backup to a streamer and media copies.  I stream via Tidal and love the hi-def sound but enjoy my rip CD's played via my Aurender N10.  I would look for a used Aurender and get an N10 if you can afford it.  You won't be disappointed.  
I'm a Raspberry Pi fan -- I have two that I use as streamers. One is in my main system and uses a HiFiBerry Digi+Pro Hat for output to my Bel Canto amplifier which has a built-in DAC. The other RPi uses a HiFiBerry DAC Hat that I use in my small office system. I find the sound excellent and you can get a RPi/DAC player up and running for under $100. That's a great option for someone who is new to streaming and wants to get the lay of the land before they start throwing the big bucks around. So, unless you just want a bigger, fancier box in your system, I'd suggest the RPi.
I don't want to hi-jack the thread, but curious which RPI you use and what OS. I have an RPI4 W/HifiBerry DSP +DAC running Volumio.  I am contemplating a ZERO with an Allo miniboss for a camper and while Volumio works great, curious about others.