I was in your exact spot not long ago- ironically I also have a Sony ES combo player. If you are a DIYer, try a raspberry pi with an Allo or Hifiberry DAC hat. I use Volumio as the software- small subscription fee required, and am very pleased. It wasnt difficult to set this up..and could have been easily nder $100. An RPI ZERO W from the PI Shop is $15-20, case is under 20, and the hat, possibly an Allo mini-bosd is under 40. You could also buy an RPI 4 and it woukd be multi useful down the road. Mine is set up in a small box with a screen- it looks like an audio component and can run Tidalnor Qubuz
I was in your exact spot not long ago- ironically I also have a Sony ES combo player. If you are a DIYer, try a raspberry pi with an Allo or Hifiberry DAC hat. I use Volumio as the software- small subscription fee required, and am very pleased. It wasnt difficult to set this up..and could have been easily nder $100. An RPI ZERO W from the PI Shop is $15-20, case is under 20, and the hat, possibly an Allo mini-bosd is under 40. You could also buy an RPI 4 and it woukd be multi useful down the road. Mine is set up in a small box with a screen- it looks like an audio component and can run Tidalnor Qubuz