Bass Response on Dunlavy SC-IVa

I purchases a pair of DAL SC-IVa about a month ago and have been trying find the best placement in a less than optimal room. My room is 21ft x 12Ft with cathedral ceiling starting at 8ft in the back to 12 ft in the front where the speakers are set up against the short wall. I know they should be set up against the long wall but the existing HT won't allow this. The speaker are 49" from the rear and 20" from the center of the cone to the side wall. I have carpeting on the floor and ther is a 5ft openning 11 ft from the front wall.

I have experiemented with many placements but just can't seem to get the bass to sound right.

Any suggestions ?

Here are the measurements that I have using a SPL meter and a Stereophile test CD. The biggest problem seems to be in the 40-50 HZ range. Thanks for all the help so far. Further suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

1KHZ - 78 dB
200 - 70
160 - 72
125 - 82
100 - 82
80 - 84
63 - 74
50 - 68
40 - 67
31.5 - 79
25 - 77
20 - 74
1) What are you using for an SPL meter?

2) At what distance were these readings taken from the speakers?

3) Where in the room were the readings taken i.e. at your listening position, standing up near the speakers, etc ???

4) How close were you to spl meter when taking the readings? If holding the meter, how far away was it from your chest area?

5) At what height were the readings taken?

6) Have you tried measuring one speaker at a time and then taking readings with both speakers operating?

7) Have you verified that the speakers are properly wired i.e. using the same polarity?

8)Is it possible to do a wider sweep i.e. one that shows the lower midrange response readings also?

The more that we know, the more that we'll be able to make constructive suggestions. Sean
1) I am using a Radioshack digital SPL meter

2) The readings were from 14 feet from the speakers

3) The reading were taken from the listening position

4,5) I held the meter in the listening position about 42-44 inches above the ground and mabe a 12 inches from my chest

6) No, I did not do them individually - only together. But I will try that.

7) Yes I have verified proper connections

8) I do not know how the change the settings to do a wider sweep. If you know how to do this, please let me know.

Thanks in advance for the assistance.