Bardo and 10.5 vs Stabi S and 4point 9

What would you choose of these two combinations? Has anyone had experience listening to each? I’ve only found one post noting a comparison, with the poster preferring the Kuzma.

I have been wanting the Bardo + 10.5 but the price keeps it out of range, at the very least for another month or two, possibly more. At nearly half the price I could pick up the Kuzma now. Wonder which of these two powerhouses people would go with.
gallus, the speed switch has to be replaced.  The Bardo + 10.5 deserve more than pi cartridge. I have the Lyra Skala on it.
Ben, thanks for the quick reply. On the cartridge, unfortunately, I won't have much flexibility in this particular audition but will definitely make an effort to mount better stuff.
Nice to know you got good results from Skala, which I tend to associate matching higher mass tonearms. If you dont mind sharing,  have you tried other arms on your table?
I bought the performance pack (it is named like that in Europe): big solid state psu and the surface planar polished crystal glass.