Back to the DAC

Just a bit of an update. When I inquired about a DAC upgrade in a recent post, it was suggested that I look at upgrading my cables first. Since then, I have done so (see my virtual system for that). Not over the top stuff, but a definite improvement over the mostly stock, generic cables I originally had.

System is sounding pretty darn good, but like most of us, you always wonder what a more expensive DAC will offer in the way of sound quality improvements.

Many of the recommended, higher priced DACs seem to include streamers and/or offer pre-amp capabilities. I have a good streamer and pre-amp and really don’t want all those components in one box.

Have any of you experienced a DAC which offers the sound qualities of highly praised units like the Mola Mola Tambaqui, DCS Lina, T&A 200, Weiss DAC501, etc. which their only function is a DAC?


Showing 45 responses by navyachts

I was wisely advised to purchase the DAC (as is) and try living with the Bricasti house sound first, which is great advice. But money & logistics played a big part in this for me, so I am going for the SE, M1 Series II and the TFT display all at once, go big, or don’t go at all! So, direct from the seller to Joe. I still have my R26 DAC, but with now a big re-arrange in my living room so as to better accommodate my stereo, I will be down in the crawlspace with little time for musical pleasure any ways. No huge rush then, but great to know, thanks again!

@worldwidewholesales great insight, but I think for the general audio enthusiast and most general homeowners, it’s difficult to test hundreds of DAC, let alone 5, before purchasing.

It also seems that most DACs now come with a pre-amp function and optional network hook-ups.

Room treatments are super important as well, but many of us don’t have dedicated listening spaces so there has to be a balance between good acoustics and room functionality. I put up a bunch of panels in my room and I don’t think it sounds much better and they look like crap, so I think I’m going to take them all down now. Not looking forward to fixing/painting all those darns holes in my brand-new dry wall either!

And DAC prevalence over a pre-amp, that’s quite a revelation, thanks Bob.

@rbstehno My Aurender N200 is optimize for USB out, so I need select a DAC with solid USB implementation. My Wyred 4 Sound 2v2 SE DAC was the same. You have to match the equipment's compatibility.

What DAC is it you use?

@yyzsantabarbara Once I take my acoustic panels down (and fix the walls) I was thinking about using the YouTube guy on Pursuit of Perfection who offer a Dirac service, but I'd much rather keep it closer to home. Maybe I'll check it out sometime, thanks.

@yyzsantabarbara lol, ya, I did the same thing, purchased the mic from Amazon and downloaded the free program. 3 minutes into I packed the mic back up and sent it back to Amazon, yes, I felt dumb! (Van BC, that’s where I originate from as well)

@rbstehno ok, have at ’er, wish I had a DAC as good as yours!


@kennymacc Ayre makes great stuff, glad you found your game!

@mclinnguy +1

@tshark did ya get it figured out?

@audphile1 +2

@fleschler - hysteve? CD player? Did I miss something?

One thing I just wanted to throw out there. I really think my Gustard R26 is the choke point in the system. I had a $200 Onkyo CD player that sounded on par with the R26 (running coaxial direct into the pre-amp) and when I hooked up the Aurender N200 (through the R26) I didn't really here much of a sound improvement. So, I am really hoping the now, Bricasti M1 Series II will elevate things. I also just saw a Bricasti M12 come up on USAM for not much more that I'm going to put into the M1...darn!


Please conclude all you like! I was just looking at this ad:

and I thought that it would be better as it says it’s a DAC and more money than an M1?

@verdantaudio thanks, but I have already purchased a Bricasti M1 and am currently upgrading it to a Series II. Figures crossed this is going to be "The DAC!"

OK, I just need a DAC. Not sure where the reference to a M21 came from, to many model numbers, I’m getting confused!

@joc3021 OK, I'll add it to the list, although I'm kinda committed to the Bricasti at this point, thx.

@tomwipf Yes, I see there is one listed here on AG but I am committed now to the Bricasti M1 SE II...fingers crossed that it's end game for me!

@tomwipf although I do have quite a few CDs still so if you happen to run across a good deal on a CD player, maybe I could hook it up and have a listen. Especially while I’m waiting for my M1! Lol.

@yyzsantabarbara  I am done spending money too!  The M1 is my last kick at the cat. The audio component cookie jar has all but dried up! With streaming, I really don't need a CD player. If I come to downsize at some point, I'll definitely look into the D.BOB. at that time. Thanks

I'm with ya there. I need to spend more time with the N200 rather than thinking CDs. I had a lot of trouble getting things up and running smoothly at first. Lot's of back & forth with tech support and little time to play with it. 

Finally finished my 3 1/2 year remodel and mostly done with my dad's affairs, so after my daughter's 2 week visit (and I get my M1) I'm all over it!!!

It came with one fully loaded SSD card with a bunch of music already on it, so it's career itself just getting on to the network, and into the N200 to sort all those tunes out, let alone adding more,

Now there's the Roon factor and figuring out if I even want go there.



@yyzsantabarbara The DAC I’m getting doesn’t have an HDMI port so I think I’m kind of out of luck with your suggestion. But thanks anyways!

OK, I boned up on it & have got it now (with the D.BOB.) It sounds interesting, but this DAC has sucked me dry, but I'll keep in mind, thanks again!

@mclinnguy That should have read "VAC" has sucked my dry, lol! Honestly though, I didn't ever think I would be springing for a DAC that cost more than my amp & pre-amp combined.

@agentwja thanks for the tip on the Merason Frerot DAC. There is the MF DAC:

and then there is the Merason DAC1:

It would be the later here that I think I would consider. Thanks

@ervikingo Thanks for sharing, sounds like a steal! It will be interesting to see how others like this DAC as more people get a hold of it. The reviews have been stunning so far.


@westborn I'm sure all the reviewers that LAiV is sending their DAC to get to keep it. They are spending that $1,000 difference on marketing, I bet.

Latest update from Bricasti:

"It going to be a few weeks, the panel is off the machine and is now being blasted and will need to be sent for platting"

@goose @westborn it seems to be a case of "Flavor of the Week' with DACs these days! I fell for the R26 hype, which is also small in size & off-shore.          Like you, I prefer a full-size chassis.

@tvad Do you think the Bricasti (LAN) could out do the Aurender N200 in the streaming department? As far as that goes, how about as a pre-amp. maybe I could use it in place of the Coda CB?

@klh007 That’s good news. I think?

@rsf507 Thanks for the tips!

I hooked up the M1 Series II yesterday and did some A/B'ing with my Gustard R26. Does the M1 sound over 6 times the cost of the R26, no, but it does sound better. I am not well versed in technical terms of audio but the musical instruments sound more real. I really do have to give the R26 very high praise for its great sound qualities at the given price point.

To put the R26 further on the pedestal, I found that stepping up to the Aurender N200 did not sound 3 times (the cost) better than the R26 using it as a renderer via its LAN connection.

I'm done for now, thanks to you all for your help & support on my audio journey, time to sit back and enjoy the music!

@tvad thanks for your kind words and advice. I will try the M1 network’s card, for sure. I will also try using the unit as a pre-amp and possibly free up another component as well. It is definitely a quality piece of equipment.

Have a great weekend!

@audphile1 Yup, and it is starting to sound better over time and I will heed your advice, thank you.

@jmeyers +78 👍

@ghdprentice thanks on behalf of @jmeyers!


@mclinnguy @tvad Oddly enough, so far, I have found that using the Coda pre-amp produced a better sound than that of the Bricasti.

As previously mentioned, I am not all that well versed in describe musical attributes. It either sounds bad, better or good, but let me state it this way, I thought it a little "edgy" or a little more digital sounding on its own. Maybe I will try it out again after I get some more hours on it.

I did try the filters, but I really couldn’t hear that big of a difference. I really think that my hearing is not so great anymore. I have to crack my jaw a lot these days to pop my right ear, if that makes sense. When I get some more serous time to sit down a give it a good listen, I will definitely try them again. I'll get my wife to have a listen as well as she has a much better ear for musicality, than I. Thank you.

@axeis1 I would have liked to tried a Dave, just never happened, but they come highly recommended.