B&W Signature 805 vs Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor?

I've been happy with my Nautilus 805 but I'm itching to upgrade to the Signature 805s. Now Sonus Faber comes along with the Cremona Auditor and I've read great things about them. Any help?

Current Sys.
Classe CAP-151 Int. Amp.
Philips SACD-1000
Rotel 1070 cdp
i feel the same way and own n805. cant wait for the sounus to come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
krell fpb 200c
meridian 568
and 596 dvd player
i am in the same boat too. i owned 805s and now have sf concertos. i am very interest in hearing the sig since i have heard a couple of people say they are a lot better then the nautilus. i can't wait till the auditor comes out too. luckily i have a dealer near by that sell both brands so i can ab all 4 of the speakers together. anyone know when the auditor i coming out? i spoke to dave a sumiko and i remember him saying it is coming out in april but when i spoke to the dealer he though it was coming out in two weeks.