B&W Matrix 800

Hi there,

What pre-amp and power amp go well with the Matrix 800??

I prefer mono-blocks.

On the moment I am using Aragon palladium K1 two on each side. And the Theta CasaNova. Now I know that I can do better on the pre because this is a HT pre. But is Pal K1 the way to go???

On the moment they do not sound to bad but, on low volumes they miss transparancie and they can be more musical I think.
Whitch combo will let my speakers sing???

Maybe: 7B SST, Classe Omnicron, Pass X600, Levinson......

(I prefer a pre with a pass tru channel)

Anybody have any experience with these speakers???

please help me out here



Keep your present power amplification and look up actively bi-amping the spkrs (see Richard above). If I remember correctly, Northcreekmusic offered some such service. Better still, just communicate with Drrdiamond!
Please don't bother about the preamp for now: it's not driving the spkrs:). Cheers

Texas 25,

I have had pair of the Matrix 800's since they came out and still use them in a secondary system. i am looking for
another pair pair to match to mine for home theatre.
You are welcome to call me at anytime to discuss your questions. Thank you.

i shall get a pair of 800 at sunday.. too bad just sold my fpb450mcx, i still have 2 pairs of cello performanceII amp, however i still cannot find one KBX B&W800

DRRdiamond: "He directed me to make some minor rewiring of the 800's "
like to know how...

Accuphase F25 crossover - wondering anyone have experience of that?