B&W DM6 speakers

I was wondering if anyone else out there is familiar with B&W DM 6 speakers. I have a pair I still use. I am wondering how others felt or feel about them. I have the change my speakers bug, but I am somewhat attached to these.
I currently own a pair of thses and I think they are just great. I definitely wont be changing these for some time. My pair however are not the stock B&W DM6's, but have been modified.

The crossover was modded by Tom Lewitt - he builds valve/trnsistor hydrib amps here in New Zealand which are extremely good, but dont have the international market. A friend of mine is runniing 2 pairs of lewitt monos (125watt pair and 250 watt pair) driving a pair of Sonus Faber Extrema's. His souuces consist of Well Tempered / Van Den Hul MC1 special and the Marantz CD7. I think that if the amps are still there in his setup, they must be doing pretty good to partner up with that gear.

The modded cross-overs allow me for triamping. I think its all a speaker needs to be really. At current I am running 100watt EAR509 mkII's monos for the bass, and cary300bsei monos for the tweet/mid. This combo sonds really nice in my opinion and I feel suits me well.

Apparently, the DM6 was the first model that B&W made to have the Kevlar mid. At that time, this speaker was the top in their line, and had the most strict manufacturing standards, just like their model Nautilus today. They were used as monitors and were supercended by the Nautilus801 model.

Just giving my opinon :). Thanks

I have a pair that I've owned since 1978-79. The only things I'd swap 'em for would be a pair of 'stats. But they'd have difficulty getting admitted to a room that others use.

Once I tried an electronic x-over and a set of subs I built from JBL 15-inchers with them (-3dB @ 16Hz), thinking that they needed help at the bottom end. They didn't need help.
I have had a pair of these since 1978. A friend of my mothers was importing them from england (of course) and I actually picked them up from the airport. I have had them ever since and they have been my main speakers untill 3 months ago when I bought a set of B&W 804 S's.

I am a sound engineer, and have listened to more reference speakers, in recording studios and in masetering studios. I grew up with the pregnent penguins and I really cannot tell if somethig is recorded right untill I reference them on the DM6's.

Anyway, I have the 804's now and I have the DM6's sitting next to them, not being used. The 804 are much clearer and do not colour the sound like the DM6's, but the 804's do not have the same punch and fullness, especially in the bass, the the DM6's.

I have grown so accustomed to the DM6's, and I truly believe that they sound as good as the day i bought them, that I am going to get another amp and still use them with or as an second reference set because as I have said, I am so used to hearing what things really sound like on the DM6's.

I would like to be able to bi-amp them so if there is anyone with suggestions on how to do that, please send your opinions.

The DM6's are simply wonderfull. ANd considering that you can get them for under $400, I am always looking for another set just so I can have spare parts because I am going to be baried with these.

Adam Green
I have a pair that I purchased second hand about 10 yrs ago, I have greatly improved their performance by replacing the crossover capacitors and internal wiring, in fact the improvement was remarkable. Capacitance changes and leakage increases over time as the dialectric deteriorates effecting filter Q - the original design is sound, do not attempt to replace the ferite
cored inductors. We have a full electronic lab and were able to quantify results with before and after measurements - the results obtained will more than justify the expense and effort involved. Use only highest quality non polarised audio quality caps, non polarised electrolytics are definitely not in that category.
Good luck with the mods.
I'm italian, so I'm sorry for my english. Tomorrow I have four B&W dm6. I have listen music from dm6 until 1980. I go every year to Milano for TOP AUDIO. I have never listen music like my dm6.